Sunday, December 20, 2009

School Christmas Parties

The very day after we arrived home from our trip to Cincinnati, the kids all had their Christmas parties at school. Yes, all on the same day. I had to remember a book for the book exchange, candy bar for the candy bar exchange, gifts for the teachers, money for the pizza party, and the camera. I think I successfully remembered it all! The kids had a lot of fun, even if they were a little tired that day.
Samantha was chosen to be "Mary" in the little play at her preschool. We were so proud of her! She did so well and despite being a bit nervous, performed her part beautifully. She held Joseph's hand right on cue and gently placed the baby Jesus in the manger instead of throwing him, which she had been teased about doing. Thanks Tyler and Popi!

Tyler's class had a candy bar exchange. He was disappointed when the Canadian chocolate was stolen from him by a classmate. Audrey had fun doing crafts and a book exchange with her friends. We are so grateful for wonderful teachers, schools and friends that our children love.


Darrell and Alissa said...

I am still trying to figure out why parties were on Thursday instead of Friday this year... I completely missed Ashlee's because Carly was still at preschool having her party!
I heard a rumor about you- is it true?

Bethany Hoyt said...

I love you guys! Merry Christmas!

Kevin and DeNiel said...

You don't look tired at all! Sammie is a beautiful Mary. Good Job! Audrey, looks like you are having lots of fun. Tyler, the twinkle in your eye tells me chocolate is on the way. Love, Nana