Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas at our house...

We enjoyed our first "white Christmas" in Arkansas this year. It was only an inch or two, but the snow was so beautiful to wake up to on Christmas morning. The kids were so excited! We had a wonderful morning filled with squeals of delight as gifts were opened. My children are still complete "believers" in Santa Claus and said he brought them everything they asked for. Thank you to the grandmas and grandpas for such lovely Christmas gifts! As for me, I was so exhausted after breakfast that I went back to bed for a couple of hours. Nathan even came in and snuck an awful photo of me napping.

As for the new year, I am not very good at making resolutions. Well, the resolution I make every year is to lose 10 pounds, which will be impossible this year due to my current condition. I guess I need to be more creative. Maybe I should resolve to stop yelling at my kids, but this I know I will fail at. I think that's my biggest obstacle in goal setting is that I think I have to be perfect at it for it to count as accomplished. Perhaps I shall just try a little harder to be a little better in all aspects of my life. There. Done. "Perfect" will not even enter the picture.


Lindsay said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. We sure missed you! Glad you're feeling better, Alis! Love ya!

Jen said...

Alissa, You will to lose more than 10 pounds! Although, you'll probably gain that much first, but after the baby is born your garunteed to lose a few pounds!!!