Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer 2012

After taking a 5 month break from blogging, I am attempting to get things caught up.  It has been a busy spring and summer to say the least.  At the end of March our wonderful brother-in-law and uncle had a major health crisis which put us all in survival mode.  That, combined with the end of the school year activities, provided us with a very busy spring.

This summer I was determined to have a good attitude. I wanted to really enjoy having the kids home and do a lot of the things we don't have time to do when school is in session.  All three of our older children signed up for the library summer reading program and finished it by the end of June.  Tyler spent a week in the Smoky Mountains for his very first scout camp experience.  (Harder on me than him I think)  We spent a lot of time at the YMCA pool and the country club pool by our house.  Audrey and Samantha did so well in swim lessons this year that their teacher said they ought to be on swim team!  Tyler perfected his flip off the diving board as well.  We went to the Cincinnati Zoo, explored a local antique shop, tie dyed, deep cleaned kids rooms, played on the slip and slide, went out for ice cream and more.  For 4th of July we took a great vacation to Utah to visit our family there.  We had a wonderful time with lots of outdoor parties, fireworks, a trip to BYU and Temple Square in Salt Lake City, tubing on the lake, hiking in the mountains and just spending time with everyone we love.  I would say we have definitely enjoyed our summer and are sad to see it coming to an end!

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