Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Kirtland Ohio

Since Nathan was scheduled to have surgery at the Cleveland Clinic on August 7th and his parents flew out to help us through it, we decided to drive the 30 minutes more from Cleveland and spend an afternoon in Kirtland.  It was a beautiful sunny day and we had such a great time touring the church history sites there.  I kept thinking in a few more years it will be so wonderful to drive here with the kids.  I am excited to have them feel the same spirit we felt as they hear about the important things that happened in Kirtland.  It was very uplifting to hear stories of our faithful pioneer ancestors just the day before we were beginning our own difficult journey.

Thankfully Nathan made it through a major surgery which had to be done in two parts due to the terrible infection he had.  His surgeon told me that he was "amazed that Nathan had been able to function at all" after opening him up and seeing first hand the severity of his situation.  He said that my husband must be "one tough guy" to have endured such a "dreadful" infection.  Now we are home and trying to work on healing.  I have been very overwhelmed to say the least.  I am caring for an open wound this time, which is something I feel unprepared to handle.  But thanks to my parents who have taken such great care of the kids while I traveled to and from Cleveland, as well as lots of help from my sisters and friends, I think we are going to make it through.  One day at a time is our motto right now.

1 comment:

Author said...

Had no idea you went to Kirtland. Very cool. So glad to know you are all doing better.