Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Saturday and no rain

We have had a lot of rain this fall. Saturday was a beautiful day and we just had to get out and enjoy it. We went hiking at Tanyard Creek in Bella Vista to enjoy the changing of the leaves. It was great! We also had our ward Halloween party that evening. I made my delicious white chili for the chili cookoff, definitely the only non-traditional one there. It didn't win any awards, but somebody liked it because it was all gone when I went to take the crock pot home. So we all got dressed up and had a fun time trunk-or-treating, among other festivities. Check out the photo of Nate in the banana suit. He must have some crazy awesome self esteem to go out like that! He really didn't wear it long since he left the party early to watch the BYU game. Happy Halloween!


Melissa Myers said...

What a beautiful family!!

Lindsay said...

AAAAAAH!!! I LOVE the costumes!! Everybody looks AWESOME!!!

Kevin and DeNiel said...

The costumes were great! I love the makeup and hair too! What was Audrey? I am not up on all the current power characters...help. Nathan has an incredible self esteem --wow!

Heather said...

I'm in LOVE with your costumes...can't tell you how many times I've looked at them already. Wish I could've been there to see you all in person! Love you!