Wednesday, November 18, 2009

School Play

Audrey was chosen to be "Patty Pointer" in the 2nd grade play "ARF" last night. She had to perform twice during the day and then again in the evening for the public performance. She was so cute all dressed up as a puppy and excited to show us what she's been practicing. We were so proud of her! She said her lines with such confidence and enuciated her words perfectly. Here are a few photos of our little star...


Jennifer said...

Audrey, that is a cute picture. I wish I could see your play! I really liked the "puppy make-up"Love, Grandma Brown

Kevin and DeNiel said...

Audrey, you make such a cute puppy! I loved the pictures. I wish I could have seen the play. Love, Nana

Bethany Hoyt said...


You are SOOO darling! I love you and miss you!

Joanna said...

She looks so cute in that outfit!